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Further Reading

Primary Resources


Brossard, S. (1769) Dictionnaire de Musique. [Translated J. Grassineau with appendix by J. J. Rousseau] Available at 

Feuillet, R. A. (2007Orchesography, Or, the Art of Dancing. Translated J. Weaver. Gloucester: Dodo Press

Hotteterre, J. M. (1983) Principles of the Flute, Recorder and Oboe. Translated P. M. Douglas, 1968. New York: Dover Publications Inc

Mattheson, J. (1981) Der vollkommene Capellmeister. Translated E. C. Harriss, 1981. Michigan: UMI Research Press.

Monteclair, M. P. (2008) Les Agrements – French Baroque Ornamentation. Translated G. Aufray, 2008. Hebden Bridge: Peacock Press

Quantz, J. J. (2001) On Playing the Flute. Translated E. R. Reilly, 1966. Croydon: Faber and Faber Limited

Rameau, P. (2003) The Dancing Master. Translated C. W. Beaumont, 1931. Nottingham: Russell Press

Tomlinson, K. (2015) The Art of Dancing. Milton Keynes: Lightning Source UK ltd



Secondary Resources



Anthony, J. R; Wiley Hitchcock, H; et al. (1986) The New Grove French Baroque Masters. London and Basingstoke: Macmillan Publishers Limited

Anthony, J. R. (1997) French Baroque Music: from Beaujoyeulx to Rameau. Oregon: Amadeus Press

Barros, R. (2010) Dance as a Discourse. Saarbrüken: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing

Brown, R. (2002) The Early Flute: A Practical Guide. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

Dolmetsch, A. (1969) The Interpretation of the Music of the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries. Washington: University of Washington Press

Harris-Warrick, R; Marsh, C. G. (1994) Musical Theatre at the Court of Louis XIV. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

Hilton, W. (1981) Dance of Court and Theatre. United States of America: Princeton Book Company

Little, M; Jenne, N. (1991) Dance and the Music of J. S. Bach. Bloomington: Indiana University Press

Mather, B. B. (1973) Interpretation of French Music from 1675 to 1775. New York: McGinnis & Marx Music Publishers

Mather, B. B. (1987) Dance Rhythms of the French Baroque: A Handbook for Performance. Bloomington and Indianapolis: Indiana University Press

Spitzer, J; Zaslaw, N. (2005) The Birth of the Orchestra. New York: Oxford University Press Inc

Strunk, O. (1981) Source Readings in Music History: 3. The Baroque Era. London: Faber and Faber Limited

Tarling, J. (2000) Baroque String Playing for Ingenious Learners. St. Albans: Corda Music Publications

Waite, P; Appleby, J. (2003) Beauchamp-Feuillet Notation: A Guide for Beginner and Intermediate Baroque Dance Students. Cardiff: Consort de Danse Baroque

Whitley-Bauguess, P. (2005) Introduction to Baroque Dance [DVD]

Wood, M. (1982) Historical Dances: 12th to 19th Century. London: Dance Books Ltd

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